Trung Ha, Entry #5

As the first days of August emerged, my days at the lab were also coming to an end. Because my lab has a lot of undergraduates who work there for the summer, my PI held a meeting where all the interns could present their experience and their time there.

I had a rather short notification on the schedule of the meeting so I only managed to scrap together a short presentation on the jobs I did at the lab. I presented the materials I grew (mainly MoS2) and the experience with the AFM and the annealing that I did in the clean room. I also had some data compiled in the probe station. The data showed that the devices work very consistently, with 80% device working rate. The data yielded is very promising for the future scalable production of these devices.

While I was working on my presentation, Ram also showed me some designing of chip and the basic rules that were very interesting. He successfully developed a new model of chip for his paper which would be published in November before his graduation so I'm really looking forward to it.

At the final day of my research, I went to the lab one last time to say goodbye to Dr. Johnson for the wonderful time he gave me during these 2 months. I also said goodbye to Mark and Ram for being excellent mentors who guided me through this rigorous journey. After that I went back to my apartment and pack and took the train to New York City. Shoutout to Mia for storing some of my stuff. I felt a little sad but it was an amazing experience. Thank you Mr. Sham and Dr. Peretz for providing us with such an invaluable experience.


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