Benjamin Leong, #Week 7.5, That's a Wrap!

And just like that, my seven and a half weeks at Temasek Polytechnic are over! While my EXP summer internship wasn’t exactly what I expected it to be, it was through this experience that I learned many valuable lessons and that I will be sure to bring back to Peddie. I also got to meet some amazing people, whom I can now hang out with when I come back here in future. I still have some work cut out for me during the rest of the time I have in Singapore, and for that matter, the rest of the summer, as I am still awaiting some results from the lab to come through. However, looking back, I am in a much better position now than I was in a couple weeks ago.

I would like to thank Dr. Wuang for allowing me to join her research group for the past summer, as well as Mr. Sham and Dr. Peretz for their support in the months leading up to the internship. Thank you to my supervisor Pok Siang for his guidance, and Kit Lun for giving me a hand when I needed it. Shout out to all the folks back in the lab as well for the farewell gift (check it out below!) and for receiving me with open arms when I first arrived in June! Last but not least, I would like to thank my lab partner Brendon, who saved my hide countless times. If it weren’t for you, things would have been a whole lot worse. Until we meet again, take care! 


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