Akshay Mody: Week 7: Final week + Presentation
My last week in the lab was all kinds of bitter sweet. I spent most of this week typing data into excel and creating a power point to present my findings to the other lab members in lab meeting. My graduate student helped me make a power point and gave me tips on the type of graphs to use when presenting my findings. Furthermore, I learned how to use excel skillfully to make graphs to plug in data and make graphs.
It was very nice seeing all my lab work and research come full circle into a congruent project that I was able to present to very successful individuals. My presentation was Thursday morning and I was extremely nervous. I prepared for many hours the night before in regards to questions that might be asked and making sure I knew all the information and data well.
Overall, my presentation went extremely well, as I was able to answer the various questions asked and learned a lot from the other lab members who had tips on how my research could be expanded. My graduate student, Katie, will actually use my research as part of her thesis and hopes to have a paper publish.
Overall, my graduate student and I believe that we have found 2 phages that use OMP A/C for effective infection of bacteria. This is important because we assume an evolutionary trade off will occur, making the bacteria resistant to the phage but not antibiotics. Omp R regulates genes correlated with virulence in shigellae. Ompr is a DNA binding protein that stimulates the transcription of OmpC.
Below is some of the data presented

It was very nice seeing all my lab work and research come full circle into a congruent project that I was able to present to very successful individuals. My presentation was Thursday morning and I was extremely nervous. I prepared for many hours the night before in regards to questions that might be asked and making sure I knew all the information and data well.
Overall, my presentation went extremely well, as I was able to answer the various questions asked and learned a lot from the other lab members who had tips on how my research could be expanded. My graduate student, Katie, will actually use my research as part of her thesis and hopes to have a paper publish.
Overall, my graduate student and I believe that we have found 2 phages that use OMP A/C for effective infection of bacteria. This is important because we assume an evolutionary trade off will occur, making the bacteria resistant to the phage but not antibiotics. Omp R regulates genes correlated with virulence in shigellae. Ompr is a DNA binding protein that stimulates the transcription of OmpC.
Below is some of the data presented
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