Mia Salas, Week 1: Trains, Lab, and Phun in Philly!
When I was in 7th grade my dad told me that he wouldn't let me go to the mall alone with a friend because I was "directionally challenged". Which was very true. So you could imagine the surprise when I completed my first day in Philly without getting lost once and successfully getting on the train there and back (thank god for Google Maps). Too be fair though, the week before I started EXP, I went to Philly with my brother, Jake, and we practiced walking to my lab and then spent the day finding cool places in the city. The train is actually really easy (shout out to Bridgid Greed for telling me about University City Station and the West Trenton Line). I get on the train at 7:06am and I get off at 8:35am at University City. From there, I just walk about 10ish minutes to my lab. On the way back, sometimes I do the same thing and go back to University City station, but other times I take the 20ish minute walk to 30th St. Station when there aren't many trains at U...